Hello My name is Trice Mazwi

I am passionate about organic living. This career chose me, I didn’t have the privilege to choose it. It is now my purpose in life to share my experience, acquired knowledge and expertise. I am a Metaphysical Scientist who studied a holistic approach to life in and outside planet earth. Your health is first on my value list. My values are family, health, nutrition, teaching, and travel. My work is aligned with my innate intelligence and soul journey.
I am a mother of three beautiful children. My children have all contributed to my research and life purpose. My first son Bonolo had allergies, he was sick all the time and I nearly lost him because of exposure to harmful chemicals in life. He was allergic to baby body products, baby formula, packaged baby food, clothes. As an adult, he is now allergic to all dairy products, gluten, protein, canned or any packaged food. I learnt to read labels and doing research about additives, colorants, preservatives and flavor enhancers in food because of him.
My second daughter Otlile took the lesson to the next level. I learnt that we are not only our bodies, that we are energies, and that 80 percent of our lives are governed energetic rules. The 14 laws of the universe, quantum physics, electro magnetic fields and day to day energies such as love hate, fear, thought, doubt and manifestation principles were at the forefront of my training days with Otlile. She taught me that i am energy source first and that my thoughts create my reality, she also taught me that my vibrational frequency will attract me the lessons i need to evolve. She had a disease that had no solution from the conventional health system. We were discharged and told she would live for two weeks at the most two months.
The journey started. I went to healers who used holistic and ancient practices of healing. Body talk, Mindscape, detoxification methods, superfoods, organic fruits, veggies and more. These methods helped us keep her alive. Our journey led to seeking to understand why this happened to me. I found a book called Mental Reasons For Physical Illness by Louise Hay. This book exposed me to the etheric world. Then I enrolled for a degree in Metaphysical Science at the University of Metaphysical Sciences in California USA. I am now completing my master’s thesis and my research is based on the relevance of organic lifestyle in modern days.
A few weeks after my daughters passing. I decided to share my knowledge with other parents. The health and well-being of South Africans became my no one priority. Organic Health Events hosted the first Organic Lifestyle Fair in Gauteng, with the aim to raise awareness and grow the organic industry. I was battling to live in a healthy way because organic or none toxic options were just unavailable in local supermarkets. This was a big event, 5000 people made their way to the Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens. I am grateful. However, I was not able to reach my goal of hosting fairs in big cities of SA.
Then Rorisang came I could only eat clean food, as clean as Morogo and Thepe found only in nature. I had to buy Egyptian cotton as he could not breathe freely. I found out that detergents, fabric, and air fresheners were contributing to the poisoning of his respiratory system. I would say that this is when I thought all mothers had a right to protect their children. I entered a competition called Mrs. SA because I saw an opportunity to raise awareness with the 70000 moms who were following the pageant. I was in all forms of media sharing and advocating a lifestyle change. This model was an enormous success. I was inspired to use it to make organic lifestyle accessible to all using a competition.
My current project is The SATransformer competition. This way the responsibility to become a healthy nation is shared amongst all South Africans. We Can now all participate to bring about the transformation, awareness and green economy solutions in the country, while empowering young people with a new vision for the future. The wealth of our young people sits in their votex. My mission is to facilitate a new narrative about life purpose, gifts, talents and wealth creation. It is time we come up economic solutions that do not pollute or destroy the planet. When young people live within and follow the laws of the universe by giving before they receive they learn principles of sowing seeds to build forests. the current narrative is that young people are taught a tree to eat from, this is leaves them with a tree that is out of season and it is now not producing fruits anymore. When young people focus on the well within (innate intelligence e.g gifts, talents and abilities) they are able to give them for free and turn them to services for people to buy, this way the community will know who they are what they do and word of mouth will spread. This is the new narrative of sowing seeds and building forests, it is what the SATransformer mission is about.
Our COACHING services are based on the 14 laws of the universe, which are the laws that govern physical reality and cannot be by passed. When coaching we look at who you are, why are you here, what is it that you came to do. These principles are based numerology, astrology and the meaning of your name.
We look at your strength, gift and talent. We explore your life journey, purpose and experiences, to map out your life values which are choices you make everyday driven by more than money. Most people don’t want to only achieve wealth and financial freedom but they also want to feel valuable by giving a service that gives them meaning, fulfillment, a feel of being wanted and loved.
The coaching service helps you go within into your vortex and bring out your dream.
We will help you find your identity, purpose and eventually to live your life purpose.
We have workshops that help you map out your life plan and execute it.
- One on one coaching
- Online classes
- Workshops
- Personal profiling
- Home Transformation tips
- Starting a home garden
- Holistic view of life workshops
- Organic health workshops
- Organic support structure workshops
- Motivational speaker organic Lifestyle
- Community transformation strategy
- Green Economy strategy
- Global warming solutions for society
- Metaphysical science personal coaching.